One Week

11:40 PM
I am exactly one week away from becoming twenty-three. I'm not happy with this! I don't want to be twenty-three so soon but I guess I'll have to deal with it. Or pretend...

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12:17 PM
Day two, and hat two, of my five hat challenge was yesterday. I decided I wanted to do a gradient black and grey hat! As I was making it I was thinking I...

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Splat Hat!

10:29 AM
I challenged myself to make a hat a day for five days! I don't know if I'll make it every day but I did yesterday and I'm super happy with the result! Especially...

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Completed 'Hippie Chick' Vest!

8:50 AM
I finally finished my awesome crocheted fluffy fur vest and it is quite possible my favourite project so far! It was a bunch of fun to make (but frustrating at times, especially when...

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morning photo walk

7:11 AM
I woke up at about two in the morning and after Iggy and I went to Walmart to pick up Goldfish and coffee filters, he left and I fucked around on reddit for...

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Hello, hello

4:58 PM
What's up? I thought I'd start another blog after reading about people helping their depression by blogging. I do already have a personal blog, but it's aimed my adult industry friends and fans...

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