12:17 PMDay two, and hat two, of my five hat challenge was yesterday. I decided I wanted to do a gradient black and grey hat! As I was making it I was thinking I may even like this hat better than yesterday's, but after comparing the two finished hats together I think the Splat Hat still reigns supreme. (;
The gradient effect of the yarn I chose doesn't really show up as well in the photos I took with the finished hat as they do in person, but luckily this instagram photo shows it pretty well!
I think in the future I'm going to have to make a super-gradient hat with more than three transition colours! But for now this one turned out just how I wanted to! I can't wait to get my Etsy shop open and hopefully send these hats off to buyers who love them!
I don't have a link to a pattern for this hat because I didn't really follow a pattern. The body of the hat is the same as yesterday's Splat Hat but I free handed the gradient design.
I think today I'm gonna take a break between my five hat challenge. I did say a hat a day for five days, but I never said they had to be five days in a row. ;P And all this knitting has me a little behind on everything else I should be doing!