Hello, hello
4:58 PMWhat's up? I thought I'd start another blog after reading about people helping their depression by blogging. I do already have a personal blog, but it's aimed my adult industry friends and fans and for safety reasons I try and keep that separated from anything involving too personal of details about myself. Also, for reasons of not wanting those friends/fans to unsubscribe, I don't really post crafting stuff there in much detail even though crafting stuff is a large part of my life.
So, might as well kill two birds with one stone, right? Post about my life in a way that's not directed towards the people I know through my job and be able to post all the crafty goodness I want as well.
I kind of have been in a rut lately and I'm trying to work on getting out of that. I got on anti-depressants. I have visited the doctor, dentist (for the first time!), and optometrist. I have just in general been trying to improve myself and my life. I need to work more but I've been really terribly unmotivated. It's been a little bad. I will get on that though and try to do better. I also need to clean more frequently. And make more things.
I'm going to be twenty-three in a little over two weeks and that just makes me feel really unhappy and unfulfilled. I'm thinking of getting a part time side job somewhere just to get out of the house more and maybe meet some people (hopefully cool people) through working together. Maybe a clothing shop. Employee discounts never hurt. ;)
Speaking of clothing, I'm trying to refine my style. My closet is a jumbled mess with an identity crisis and my daily uniform generally consists of yesterday's hastily thrown together outfit, minus pants. Working from home makes me pretty lazy about getting dressed or made up every day, which unfortunately doesn't do anything positive for my depression. Another bonus if I get a side job (without a uniform, that is).
I think I know the style I want to go for, kind of a grunge-ish feminine Dean Winchester look. I've collected some images to help me define this style a little. It consists of lots of plaid and skinny jeans and knit/crocheted goodies.
I don't own enough plaid.
I'm also trying to figure out what glasses will look good on me and how to match a foundation tone to my own skin tone. I think I'm going to start wearing foundation. I never do usually but I just think actually putting effort into my appearance again will help with this rut I'm in. Foundation will be a new addition to that though since I didn't wear it even when I was paying more attention to how I look. These things have to wait a little while though because I'm broke from not working for practically two months. Ugh.