Style Staples

12:55 PM

I am trying to refine my style. I have been for a while. I have a lot of clothing that I have no idea why I bought it because it's just not my style at all. And likewise, I don't have enough clothing that does fit into how I want to dress. I purged a lot of my closet when I moved and sold or donated a very large amount of clothing, but I still have a lot of clothes that just doesn't match how I would like to look. But if I got rid of all of those pieces I would not have enough clothing.

I am slowly working on making a more cohesive wardrobe by buying and making clothing that fits into my style (which I'm not sure what the name for would be!) and I decided to try and identify some staples and pieces that aren't really staples but I really wanted to include anyways. :P

So here they are! This is basically the complete outline of the wardrobe I crave!

Fur vests.

I have already made one of these and I love love love it! It makes me excited for the cooler weather that will be coming soon! I crocheted it out of fur yarn and it is white and oh so soft! I blogged about it here.


I need a lot more plaid. I don't have enough, and I really love it. I especially need more plaid button ups and skirts. I have exactly zero plaid skirts. :( 

I am especially craving this one from my etsy birthday registry. I don't know why I love it so much but I do! Well, I know part of the reason, it’s yellow! My favourite colour! But seriously, I dig that skirt.

Scarves scarves scarves! (And cowls cowls cowls!)

I plan on working on this one soon. :) I am gonna knit and crochet some fabulous scarves and cowls for Winter. I still want to buy some fabric ones as well but something about making something with your own two hands is just so rewarding. I seriously need to buy more yarn! :P

Leather and pleather jackets.

I eventually plan on buying a custom made leather jacket from (This site is amazing ya’ll! I've ordered from it three times now, both leather and non leather items. They are affordable and they make items completely custom to your measurements. Only bad thing I can point out is that shipping is slow from India, but seriously this site rocks.) 

This is the jacket I plan on buying, probably in black. It’s real leather and only $130. :) I have a few pleather jackets and plan on buying more as well but I can't wait to have a nice real leather jacket in my wardrobe. :) Especially one as bad ass looking as this!

Neutral flats/loafers/whatever.

I'm bad at categorizing shoes, but basically shoes look the ones above in neutral colours. I especially love the first pair in the strip and I have been wanting a pair of white converse for a while (I worry a bit about keeping them white though!)

Skinny jeans.

I already have quite a handful of skinny jeans but unfortunately my weight shifted a lot until about a year ago when it decided to settle in to it’s current place, which means a lot of my skinny jeans just aren't fitting right. I need more jeans that fit my current body shape and weight. I've been eyeballing Levi’s. I never had a pair before and I hear they are good jeans.

Cute handknits!

I mentioned it before, but there is seriously something rewarding about making things yourself. And I also just love to knit. So I plan on knitting plenty for the cold weather around the corner! I usually don't look forward to the cold but I think it will be more tolerable this year if I can show off my handmade goodies. ;P

Cut off shorts.

I can probably make a few pairs of these out of jeans I don't like as much, but I haven't yet. I don't plan on buying any premade since it’s kind of silly when you can just use existing jeans or get some from goodwill for cheaper. Unfortunately shorts weather is starting to leave us!

Solid tights.

I don't have enough tights. My winter clothing consists of pants, pants, pants and I often get bored of the monotony during the cold months. I need some nice warm winter tights!

Combat boots!

One of my favourite articles of clothing, combat boots. I adore them! They are my primary footwear and I need more! Hehe. :P

Well, that’s the ten fundamentals of my style which, unfortunately, I don't have enough clothing for! I can’t wait to throw out some more of the things that don’t feel like ‘me’ and have more of the above!

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